Longyou Caves of China

The Longyou Caves are a series of large artificial sandstone caverns located at Phoenix Hill, near the village of Shiyan Beicun on the Qu River in Longyou CountyQuzhou prefecture, Zhejiang province, China. They are thought to date to a period before the creation of the Qin Dynasty in 212 BCE, although no trace of their construction or even their existence has been located in the historic record.

The caves are very large considering their man-made origin: the average floor area of each cave is over a 11,000 sq ft, with heights of up to 98 ft, and the total area covered is in excess of 320,000 sq ft.

No rocks proving evidence of construction have been found near the cave.

For an modern example of working with stone:

Mount Rushmore in South Dakota was started in 1927 and finished in 1941.  Even with the use of modern machinery; there is plenty of evidence of where the stones were put after construction (right below the monument).

Be sure to google “Longyou Caves” and look at more pictures.  It is unbelievable how massive the structure is.

Think about this when your going to bed tonight =p

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